Another Month Has Past

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Another month has past.
At my age, this could be my last.
But, I know life is short here on earth.
So, as a Christian, live it for all you’re worth!

Then, as you stand in front of God someday,
when He asks the questions, what will you say?
"Did you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
Was it just talk? How was your behavior?"

Did you live your life pleasing God as you should?
Will you be ashamed, or do you wish that you could
have another chance, to be the Christian you should be?
Well you can — ask for forgiveness and repent like me.

Thank God, Jesus doesn't hold a grudge as so many do.
If you are sincere and truly repent, He will forgive you.
He will also erase all the sins out of His "Your Life" book,
all the transgressions you repented of, and then forsook.

Bible Reference: John 3:16