So Many Are in the Unemployment Line Today

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

So many are in the unemployment line today.
However, this is not telling about the usual way.
What I am referring to, are the angels assigned to you.
Many do not know how to use them, this is very true.

Angels are at our "beck and call", did you know?
So many people live their life, with nothing to show.
Your assigned angel is waiting for you to ask.
That angel can complete any and all tasks.

Just consider what they have done in the past.
However, many people don't call on them until last.
But, they can perform miracles, they do it every day.
Some of the feats they accomplish, could be a "No Way!"

So today, when you need something special done,
know your angel was assigned to you by Jesus, God's son.
Get your angel out of the unemployment line now.
Just call on him, he's ready to help you, that's how!

Chaplain Anthony Murphy, ND