We've All Heard the Term "You Can't Take it With You"

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

We've all heard the term "you can't take it with you."
But have you ever thought, "What if I could?"
This is something that most have never considered, it's true.
Well, you can take it with you depending on you what you do.

We understand that we can't take our car, house and stuff.
In Heaven, you won't need it — there will be more than enough!
The treasures of this world won't mean much then.
But, we can send treasures ahead to Heaven now, and when.

When, we are doing God's will here on this earth.
That should make you work for God, for all you're worth.
The Bible teaches us we will be rewarded for our efforts here.
God is keeping score of our lives, He makes that very clear.

I don't want to have the Lord look at me then, and shake his head.
No, I want to have treasures and his abundant blessings instead.
I may not be rich in this life with silver, precious jewels and gold.
However, in Heaven, I will have a mansion and riches untold.