Let's Make Everyday a Thanksgiving Day, Starting Today!

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Let's make everyday a Thanksgiving Day, starting today!
Do this by how and what, you do and say.
We should all have an "attitude of gratitude" every day,
even when it seems things are not going our way.

It's so easy to take the good things in life for granted, do you?
Then, when trouble or problems come what do you do?
Many gripe and complain, and make others miserable too.
When you look around to see truly happy people, there are too few.

We can always find things to be grateful for, it's true.
Look at people in the Bible and how they made it through.
When Paul was cast into prison, surrounded by filth and rats,
he praised God, and sang loudly about being blessed through all that.

Then God created an earthquake and freed them from their chains.
When the jailer rushed in to see the damage and who remained
all were still there and continued to praise and thank God.
So today be happy, thankful and bless others even though, to world you will be odd!

Bible Reference: Acts, 16:16-40