Cancer is a Terrible Disease That Many People Fear

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Cancer is a terrible disease that many people fear.
But, I will tell you something that most don’t hear.
We have a cancer in this country, that’s growing every day.
It’s all the sins that are destroying this nation, in an utmost way.
Just think of these malignant sins that many consider okay...
the abortion of babies, for which the government makes us pay;
the legalization of same-sex marriage, a sheer violation of God;
and now, the ten commandments are considered void and merely odd!
Our military is being attacked from within, by ungodly new rules.
We, as a nation, have let this happen and thus become a country of fools.
As Christians we should always stand up for what is right!
It is my hope and prayer that we will once again be God’s delight.
We must turn from our evil ways now, before it’s too late.
Otherwise, if we don’t repent, this will seal our fate.
Many countries have gone this same path, in times before.
Hence, those nations that were was once great and mighty, are now no more.