HEADLINES: Several Hundred Babies Died Today

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

HEADLINES: Several Hundred Babies Died Today
You may ask, “How did it happen, where and in what way?”
These babies were actually killed legally in a terrible way.
The precious unborns were aborted here in the U.S.A.

Over 55 million babies are not with us in our nation now.
How? We legalized abortion in 1973 — that’s how.
Do the math and see how many cities it would take
that could be precisely eliminated because of this mistake.

In some states we don’t even have 55 million people living there.
That’s a lot of tax payers, doctors, preachers — that now cannot share
the burdens that we have created with this selfish, ungodly act.
Without this future generation, how long can this country stay intact?

Did you know that 1973 was the same year of the Eagle egg ruling?
It says you can be fined and imprisoned if you destroyed their egg, no fooling.
Why is a bird considered more important than a human in the womb?
What did these little babies do to deserve this, their untimely doom?