Early This Morning I Was Thanking God for All His Blessings on Me

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Early this morning I was thanking God for all his blessings on me.
As I recall situations in my life, I realize they were meant to be.
I, like many others, have experienced requiring money for a need.
When I recall how God responded to my need, it was always to exceed.

I remember when my wife died, how I was short of funds then.
I was wondering how I could pay for the funeral and when.
My ministry doesn’t provide me any income as some of you know.
So, I must rely on my Heavenly Father and watch the blessings flow.

He has provided the monies for me again and again in my life.
Things always worked out when Satan intended to create strife.
We should all just learn to trust God and not doubt.
Trusting God and believing in Him is what it’s all about!

I have just finished my latest group of poems for my next book.
To publish these poems required God’s financial blessings, not luck.
Again, I received a check in the mail that was totally unexpected.
Now my poem book #5 can be published and not rejected.