When Everything Seems Out of Control — Remember “All is Well”

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

When everything seems out of control — remember “All is Well.”
Sometimes in my own life you couldn't tell.
It seemed everything was going wrong for me.
Some of you have had this experience I'm sure you'll agree.

We all need to remember that we are a work in progress.
This is especially true when we feel our life is a real mess.
Jesus knows everything that's going on, that's for sure.
He will never leave or forsake you, he’ll help you to endure.

In this life we are not guaranteed peace and tranquility everyday.
But, it is such a comfort to know that Jesus is with me every step of the way.
Sure we all have doubts and fears, that's a demonic tool.
That's when many give into a sinful life and become a Satanic fool.

Today, we must stay strong in the faith and not let Satan lead us astray.
You can be sure that the enemy will try his best to do this today.
He is relentless in his quest to look for saints that are weak.
He knows just how to tempt us all with the words we speak.

He knows if he can get us to confess that we don't know what to do,
then he’ll offer some suggestions that would lead us astray, it's true.
This is when we must go to Jesus, pray and ask for Him to intercede.
God will always have the correct help and resources to meet our need.

Bible Reference: Psalm 46:1,2