Don't Be Satan's April Fool

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Don't be Satan's April fool.
He is the great deceiver — that's his tool.
He wants people to think and do wrong.
Unfortunately, too many just go along.
I can almost hear him laughing at them now.
If they need his advice, he'll show 'em how.
He makes things look attractive to the eye
and tells them they can get away with sin, if they try.
Satan will tell them they won't get caught, or it's not a sin to you.
He’ll fill them with all these lies, that are really not true.
You always get the rewards for evil or good.
I only wish more people believed that, and understood.
There are consequences to sin in this life, we know.
That old saying goes, ”You reap what you sow.”
So, be careful how you live, God is keeping score.
All those sins can be forgiven, just don't do them anymore.