Let's Find a Way to Be Good to Others Today

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Let's find a way to be good to others today.

It could be in the little things we do and say.

This is a wonderful way to live your life.

This is opposite to hatred, bitterness and strife.

Honor others and show them genuine appreciation.

Your simple gesture could turn around this nation.

So many are experiencing frustration and fear.

These people are not far away, no, they're here.

We can all find someone that needs a hug or a smile.

For many people to experience this, it's been quite a while.

Let's begin this mission to create happiness — starting with you.

Just try this, and watch what happens to you too.

God wants us to be loving, kind and generous now.

If you don't know what to do, the Bible tells us how.

Jesus went around doing good and caring for others.

Through God, we are His ambassadors, sisters and brothers.

Bible Reference: Romans 12: 9-10