So Many Are Living Under the Effects of Stress Today

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

So many are living under the effects of stress today.
Stress is a factor that increases sickness and disease in many a way.
Stress can lower your immune system that fights to keep you well.
Many people think that stress is normal, it's not — I’m here to tell.

Yes, stress can be neutered if you know how, it's true.
It all depends on how you think and what you do.
So many think that the world will fall apart without them, it's true.
That business and situation could be, however, slowly killing you.

Learn to trust and lean on God for His guidance and direction.
He knows exactly what to do and when, and also what needs correction.
His wisdom is so supreme, that it is sometimes hard to understand.
He will always volunteer to lead you, however, He doesn't demand.

He wants us to trust in Him for all our decisions in life, large or small.
He has the answer that will be most beneficial for one and for all.
He can prosper your home and business, and turn it all around.
This is His promise to all that are ethical and true, His promise is profound!