Here's the Question of the Day

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Here's the question of the day…
Please consider carefully what you do and say.
Are you building up treasures in heaven every day?
Or, are you one of those that say not me, no way?

Our treasures here on earth won't count for much up there.
Again, many aren't building for their future and don't care.
Heaven seems a long way off to many, I know.
But, we must realize it's the place Christians ultimately go.

Your account in heaven can be riches beyond measure.
It all depends on what you do here, and what you treasure.
Do you do for others, and help whenever you can?
This is a goal for all of us, yes, for every woman and man.

Someday we will all go to meet our maker.
He knows us inside out. No! there you can't be a faker.
When God opens the book of life and looks for your name,
will you score with good results, or stand there in shame?