Staying in Peace Is Sometimes Hard in These Troubled Days

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Staying in peace is sometimes hard in these troubled days.
When fear, upset, anger or frustration happens, here's what to say…
“As a child of the only true living God, I have unmerited favor.
I am special, protected, talented and my faith won't waver.

“The enemy wants me to feel this situation will be the end of me.
However, I know I am blessed in many ways I cannot see.
God has His angels crowded around me to help and protect.
As a child of the living God, I know that I am one of the elect.”

We have so much going for us if we could only know.
Today is the day to see God's blessing for you start to flow.
You are very special in God's sight, you are one of a kind.
God knows what you can accomplish when He has you in mind.

So, get over feeling sorry for yourself — this is your new beginning.
Today is your day, a very special day for you to start winning.
Old things are past, the future looks bright and special for you.
Believe the word of God and His special blessings will come true!

Bible Reference: John 14:27