This Day Today, Is a Special Gift to You

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer
This day today, is a special gift to you.
Have you already thanked God for what you plan to do?
Yesterday is history, things happened you didn't expect.
Many were blessings, to thank God don't neglect.

Other matters happened, that were not so good.
Things happen in life, that's understood.
But, dwelling on the wrongs somebody did that day,
won't help you or make those hurts go away.

So, get over it and go on with your life — because you can.
Hurt, frustrations and disappointments, happen to every man.
How you react sets you apart from the losers in life.
They concentrate on getting even and creating more strife.

But, as a child of the living God, we have an advantage over most.
They try to fight their battles alone, while we have an angelic host
of angels at our beck and call, to help us always win each day.
So, start this day with a thankful attitude and live the Jesus way.

Bible Reference: Galatians 6:9