Faith Is Trusting God, Even When it Doesn't Make Sense to Some

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Faith is trusting God, even when it does n' t make sense to some.
When things are going the wrong way, are you that one?
God always knows what He's doing, and it's for our own good.
I admit that sometimes His ways are misunderstood.

We've all had situations that we didn't understand then.
But, after all the dust settles so to speak, thats when
we realized that the end result was much better now.
Sometimes we don't know the reason why, or even how.

But, knowing that God loves us and only wants for us, the best.
And, knowing that in all these years, He's always passed the test.
Some things you wanted were not going to be good for you.
When you think back to that situation, you know this is true.

Sometimes, even many times, we must rely on our faith in God.
When we relate the problem and the results, we maybe considered odd.
But, realize that we are a peculiar people, kin with royal blood.
That we are privileged to be a Christian, and that's not always understood.