Satan Is Fighting Hard for the Heart and Soul of Our Nation

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Satan is fighting hard for the heart and soul of our nation.
You can see this in our new laws, I say without hesitation.
Satan knows his days are numbered and we are in a war.
He knows that many Christians are weak, I've said this before.
That they will fall away when the times get too tough.
Many will tell themselves, “I quit, this is enough.
I can't take all this persecution, it's too much for me.”
With this new religion, they tell me I just need to agree.
Then, they say that my life will be easy again.
Sounds good to me, I can't hardly remember when.
Of course there are conditions that I must ultimately face.
When we make that choice, that could be cause for an erase.
Erased from the Book of Life, if this is what they choose.
Yes! There are consequences and incredible benefits to lose.
Don't be a part of the great falling away, in these last days.
Stay strong in the faith, be vigilant and continue to pray.