Something Very Sinister Is Happening in the U.S.A.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Something very sinister is happening in the U.S.A.
You can see and hear it more and more each day.
Things that were very wrong are now considered right.
Many, even Christians, have given up and refuse to fight.

Things that were considered despicable years ago
came out of the closet, and now put on a show.
When we as a nation, promote such moral decay,
you know our foundations are crumbling away.

God is a loving God and His grace is being really tried.
When people in the Bible did despicable things, they were fried.
He will only let this gross immorality go on for only so long, it's true.
Until He says, “That's enough!”, we will experience what a loving God can do.

People are fools when they say and think there is no God now.
God is God, and someday soon will show them — and then WOW!
Yes, we know these are the last of the last days before His return.
Now, my question to you is, “What will you do with your concern?”

In these last days many will fall away from the faith, will you?
Sometimes we are in a quandary as to what to say and do.
It's so frustrating and irritating to see all that's going on.
This is when we must study the Bible, pray and stay strong.