We Are Experiencing Quite a Thunderstorm Tonight

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

We are experiencing quite a thunderstorm tonight.
My little dog is here at my side, shivering with fright.
The lightning flashes and the thunder roars.
I'm so glad we are safe inside and not outdoors.

Nature can be a frightening thing, we all agree.
It can destroy homes and cars for all to see.
The fires and floods are happening here in the U.S.A.
Is this a fluke of nature? What does the Bible say?

The Bible proclaims that these are signs of the end time.
There are more now than ever before, in your life and mine.
It seems every day there is a great disaster somewhere.
Many just watch and listen to these and really don't care.

But, as our government ignores the pleas of our Israeli friends today,
we will experience more disasters, yes, they are here to stay.
As a nation, we are treating our old Israeli friends very bad.
This I realize is God's chosen land, and it makes Him very sad.

He warns of this in many books of the Bible, it's true.
If you mess with Israel, He tells what He will do.
He will bless the people that help and encourage His land.
However, He will curse people that are trying to demand

That this land, Israel, belongs to anyone other than the Jew.
I know this is controversial and a different point of view.
But, if we would as a nation, bless Israel every day
we would then experience bountiful blessings coming our way.