Today Is the First Day of the Rest of My Life

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.
I know that I'm a winner, even if I experience strife.
I also know that God is with me through thick and thin.
Yes! Today is the first day of my life, my day to begin.

I will accomplish things that seemed impossible to see.
God has promised that, and He will always be with me.
He has some great plans for my life even now.
If I don't know what to do or say, God will tell me how.

As a privileged child of God — I can do all things.
My blessings will get to me, as if they had wings.
It's a wonderful way to live our lives — in expectation.
This is the best way to live, I say without hesitation.

It's so easy to live a life depressed and always upset.
Why live that way, what's the very best you will get?
Live your life knowing God loves you every day.
That He is with us always at home, work or play!