There Are so Many Hurting People in This World Today

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

There are so many hurting people in this world today.
You and I can be that miracle they need in some way.
Many think they are too busy with their own problems now.
These are good people that would like to help, but don't know how.

Sometimes it’s just the little things we can do that mean so much.
A smile, a hug, a genuine asking, “How are you?“ or, a gentle touch.
These can make all the difference in that hurting person's life.
So many are going through indescribable suffering and strife.

You don't know that you may have prevented a suicide that day.
People do all kinds of things when they are hurting in some way.
If you have been helping people — good! God has been keeping score.
This could give you an incentive to help hurting people even more.

Don't do it for the points we earn, but because it's the right thing to do.
As a child of the living God, we do it to show that our Godly love is true.
So, look around you and find your person or people in need today.
There is always someone or something you can do. Need help? Pray.