What Are Your Plans for Today, This Week, This Year?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

What are your plans for today, this week, this year?
Are you thinking too small, or maybe not at all?
God has a big plan for your life and mine too.
We can't comprehend what Almighty God can do.

We plan to do something that we consider great.
That's when God can step in and change our fate.
He has bigger things in store for each of us — it's true.
Yes, God is speaking to all of us, including you.

If we could only understand that we are a chosen race.
We would view our future goal and pick up the pace.
God wants us to be proud of what He can do now.
Just let Him do his thing and don't wonder how.

He would amaze you with what He has planned.
Want to know about it? Ask and pray, but don't demand.
Some things are so awesome that He has for you and me.
We won't know how and why until we meet Him in eternity.