Let's All Reprogram Our Minds to Be Winners Today

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Let's all reprogram our minds to be winners today.
There are so many negative voices telling us, “No way.”
Negative voices tell us we are not talented enough, don't even try.
That these are tough times, I can only just get by.

But, that's not what God has destined us to do in this life.
You are a winner and very special, you can handle negative strife.
There will always be those negative voices that you must continually delete.
Realize that these destructive thoughts are like a PC virus and can be beat.

They don't give up easily but you can overcome them knowing whose you are.
You are a child of the living God, not a loser, not average, way beyond just par.
You are destined to be the best in your field, God made you that way.
So, put your shoulders back, walk tall, don't listen to what the naysayers say.

If we could all realize that we are fighting with negative voices all day long.
Just like that computer virus we must delete those negative thoughts and be strong.
We have the ability through Jesus, to be all that God made you and me to be now.
We have the DNA of God and can do all things. So speak only positive words, that's how.