Thought for the Day: You Will Be Held Accountable Some Day

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Thought for the day: you will be held accountable some day.
This is something that the Lord wanted me to say.
All this corruption and abandoning of the Lord today
Is, as we Christians know, leading this country astray.

It's kinda’ laughable to see our leaders so deceived.
They think they have it all under control, they don't — and I'm relieved.
God sees whats going on and He is laughing at them too.
Soon, yes very soon, you'll see what our almighty God can do.

We will witness the wrath of God against these immoral men.
It won't be long before this happens, but none of us know when.
As Christians we can know that this has happened in times past.
In the Bible there are stories to show that corruption never lasts.

Jesus came to this earth and died for all the sins of mankind.
We know He's coming soon, in the rapture — don't be left behind.
That's when all hell will break out on this earth for everyone still here.
If you are a born-again Christian, you'll be gone. You have nothing to fear.