Remember When We Were Truly One Nation Under God?

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Remember when we were truly one nation under God?
When Christians were the majority and were not considered odd?
Now, Washington is trying to create one nation away from God it seems.
They are bringing in other gods, and they will do it by any means.
We are going through what happened at the tower of Babel now.
There is so much confusion — seems nobody there knows what or how.
Confusion will always exist when you leave God out as your leader.
Just like the people of the tower of Babel — they were lead by a deceiver.
If we ever want to get this nation back to it's roots and our Heavenly Father,
We will need to recommit to God as our true national leader, rather
than bow down to the false gods that Washington is trying to pursue.
How do we do this? We continue to worship our one real God — it's true.
In the following days ahead we will be asked to make a choice.
This is when the true Christians will stand up with one voice.
They will declare that their faith in the living God is real that day.
And, I must warn you there will be dire consequences to pay.
If you won't renounce your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior,
You will experience their demonic actions trying to make you waver.
This a choice that will determine your future in Heaven or Hell.
Yes! This is a very strong and controversial poem that God instructed me to tell.