You Have an Amazing Talent or Skill

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

You have an amazing talent or skill.
God implanted that in you to fulfill His specific will.
We each have a talent or skill different from another.
Please don't compare your talent with any other.

God designed each of us for a very special task.
“Are you fulfilling yours?” is the question I ask.
When we are doing what we are designed to do
We will lead happy, contented, and fulfilled lives — it's true.

So many are miserable in their occupations today.
They don't like what they do, but do it anyway.
Many say, “I need this job to make a living now.”
That is true, but ask God what he wants you to do and how.

You will be given the opportunity to step out into something new.
Something that you never thought you would or could do.
It happened to me — now I'm writing poems almost every day.
So, please listen to that small inner voice and what it has to say.