Have You Reached Your Potential in Life Yet?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Have you reached your potential in life yet?
“What potential?” Many would say that I'd bet.
What are your short and long terms goals in life right now?
Are you pursuing them with vigor? And, how?

These are questions designed to make you think.
You must pursue them daily, our life is over in a wink.
So many sit back and just let the days go by.
Others halfheartedly try — but that won't fly.

The winners in this life are the ones that keep on trying.
It's so easy to get comfortable and relax, I'm not denying.
Even when, like many of us that are retired — this is true,
It seems everything we want to accomplish is harder to do.

Here’s some inspiration from Biblical heroes of the past…
When they went seriously after that dream, sometimes requiring a fast,
The Lord helped them to accomplish their seemingly impossible task.
And, then they received that miracle or treasure with no questions to ask!