Let's Go for It and Take the Limits Off of God

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Let's go for it and take the limits off of God.
You have a divine idea, that to others is odd.
Let God do His thing and watch what only He can do.
He's done the impossible for others and He'll do it for you.

We all have a tendency to think that this idea is too grand.
That if we could only get part of it, we could help this land.
God gave you that thought or idea to benefit all mankind.
Now don't let it die with you and leave that idea behind.

God takes pleasure in prospering His children, that's you and me.
He wants to do the impossible and to let others hear and see,
That only Almighty God could do what needed to be done.
Yes! He wants the glory for this, so thank Him, He IS the one!

If you could only see heaven right now and the angels standing by.
You and I could realize that we have a host of angels waiting to fly.
Now let your imagination run wild and see yourself accomplishing that task.
With God — nothing is impossible. “Truly believe” is all that Jesus would ask.