Are You Going Through a Stressful Time Right Now?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Are you going through a stressful time right now?
You don't know what to do, or when or how.
The secret is to know that God knows this too.
And, He will tell you, in His own way what to do.

It's like being on the potter’s wheel for some today.
God has you there for a purpose, maybe to delay
A decision that would ultimately harm your life.
It would cause all kinds of turmoil and much strife.

God keeps us on the potter’s wheel for our own good.
We are uncomfortable there, that's readily understood.
We are being refined in some area of our life, it's true.
God does this for our benefit because of His love for you.

In the Bible, a potter’s wheel is used to make a clay pot.
If it's not what the potter likes, he reworks it a lot.
He remolds it to perfection and he doesn't settle for less.
That sounds like what you are experiencing today, I confess