I'm Learning to Live on God's Economy Now

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

I'm learning to live on God's economy now.
When my bills come, I no longer ask how.
I rely on and trust the Lord for all of my needs.
Now, they not only get paid, but always exceed.

What an exhilarating way to live this exciting life.
No longer concerned with all that financial strife.
But, knowing I am a child of the living God above,
Knowing that He cares about me, showing His love.

As I mature, and there is sickness and poverty all around.
I commit my body to God and physically I'm sound.
Sure I have the opportunity in old age every day.
But again, as a royal heir of God, I say no way.

I know in this world the enemy will be tempting me.
He wants to see me sick and destitute for all to see.
But, that's not who I am now, I'm a child of the living God.
Oh, I understand to many, I will be considered very odd.