We Are All on a Journey in This Life

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

We are all on a journey in this life.
Our judgment of others, creates strife.
We all have a tendency to judge others.
But, Christ sees us all as sisters and brothers.

We judge others by what they wear.
That's how we see them, but God doesn't care.
They are loved by God unconditionally  — it's true.
He knows where they are at, and what they've been through.

It's so easy to judge others, we do it all the time.
Just because they don't worship in their church, like mine.
Maybe they are a different color, religion or race.
Or, they have tattoos or earrings in an unusual place.

Did it ever occur to you that they think you are odd too?
They have unique characteristics, they are not like you.
But, God sees us all with his agape love that's hard to understand.
He asks us all to love others unconditionally — that's God's command.