The Weatherman Was Wrong Again Today

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

The weatherman was wrong again today.
I still listen however, to what he has to say.
I prepare for the day based on what he predicted.
Sometimes he’s right, but not always what was expected.

It amazes me that people have so much faith in the forecast.
They tell us how much snow to expect and how long it will last.
As I'm looking out the window this morning and see no snow,
I realize we were blessed with good weather and now I can go.

There is another prediction that is always right and true.
This prediction tells us how to behave and what to do.
It is always correct down to the very last detail.
It is of course, the Bible, it's predictions never fail!

It tells us that we can expect incredible, perfect weather forever.
Where and when? In heaven there is always perfect weather.
I hope and pray that you will be there with me and many others.
In God's family there are no aliens, we are all sisters and brothers.