President Trump has a very tough job to do.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

President Trump has a very tough job to do.

There is so much demonic activity now, it's true.

Everything this great president wants and needs to fix,

The previous administration wants to nix with their tricks.

He has so many things that need his attention today.

As Christians we can daily support him and pray.

Every where he turns there is another crisis to correct.

The news media and the Democrats will try to adversely effect.

The corruption is all over and especially in Washington DC.

Our country, before President Trump, was in a mess I agree.

It will take years of effort, toil, perseverance and sweat.

But Trump will do this, Yes, on this we can have a sure bet.

He's the man God selected for this really tough job here and now.

All problems and criminal activity, with God's help he'll know how.

He has God, the true source of wisdom and correction, on his side.

We will see a great Christian awakening as we all in faith abide.