It's all good and for your benefit today.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

It's all good and for your benefit today.

Many would sarcastically ask, "What did you say?"

There are many things in this life we don't understand.

You may ask of God, but don't make it a demand.

If we could see behind the scenes, then maybe we would know.

Sometimes things happen that cause our faith to grow.

We will never understand why somethings happen, it's true.

But as a child of God we know it will be beneficial for you.

God asks us a four word question, "Do you trust me?"

As a Christian we know He always knows best, I agree.

Somethings are very hard to understand the what and why,

This is when you must learn to trust him, even when we cry.

The problems and trials you are facing today, even right now.

Will eventually be for your benefit even though you don't know how.

Trust that our heavenly father always knows and it's for your good.

He knows the end from the beginning, and that's understood.