Sometimes things happen in life that we don't understand.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Sometimes things happen in life that we don't understand.

When it seems to be detrimental, I request but not demand,

to know why God is doing this for my benefit and good.

If I could see the whole picture then I would have understood.

This is when my faith comes into play and I must trust.

For me to have a joyful and secure attitude, this is a must

It's easy to get discouraged and say "why is this happening to me"?

Many things in our past were upsetting, I'm sure you'll agree.

But looking back I can see that situation benefited me if I try.

At the time of the incident I probably cried out. "why God why"?

Now the longer I live I realize I am part of God's master plan.

A plan He made for me and you before our life began.

If certain situations and circumstances had not occurred on time.

Things would have been very different in this life of mine.

I may not have been writing poems and forwarding God's message out today.

Having the assurance that God knows what He is doing is the best way.