Sometimes we find ourselves in an uncomfortable situation.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer
Sometimes we find ourselves in an uncomfortable situation.
If we could change it, we would without hesitation.
But God sometimes needs to push us for our own good.
These changes are not comfortable and at the time not understood.
We have all experienced situations that we didn't like it's true.
Things that seemed contrary to things we like to do.
I was comfortable when I was a doctor helping people everyday.
But my talent and ability there was for a season and not to stay.
Sometimes God has to push hard to get us to move into our destiny.
We fight to stay in our comfort zone, but God will always have his way.
As we look back at the situation now we can see and understand.
We were meant to fulfill His divine purpose in this life and land.
What trials are you now facing that you didn't anticipate in life?
They can be exciting and rewarding or you can choose to live in strife.
If we could ever be sure that these changes are for our own good.
In His wisdom these situations will not always be initially understood.
But be aware that God loves you and knows what you are capable to do.
If you stayed in your comfort zone, you wouldn't fill your destiny, its true.
After a time and you look back at what caused you that pain.
You will understand why God didn't want you there, it's for your ultimate gain.