ALL IS WELL, is our theme for today.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

ALL IS WELL, is our theme for today.

Something we should all say as we pray.

This is what the saints of old did it's true.

Not matter what they were going through.

When Paul and Silas were in a dungeon,

they praised and worshiped God in there.

They were unjustly accused but they didn't care.

God was with them even, though it wasn't fair.

They didn't moan and complain like many would.

They knew that God was in control and that He would,

do things for them in a incredible miraculous way.

That they were there temporarily, but wouldn't stay.

God created a great earthquake that loosed all their chains.

Now they were free to go, but instead they chose to remain.

This story is to remind us that when things look bleak

Jesus is the answer, ALL IS WELL, are the Biblical words to speak.

God is always in control even when things look out of control to you.

There will always be challenges in our life, this is also true.

But have the faith to believe that this too shall come to pass.

Speak the words, ALL IS WELL and be the best believer in the class.