Yes, I am 'old school,' it's the way I live.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer
Yes, I am 'old school,' it's the way I live.
I have good manners, I love to give,
To ethical honest organizations and people too.
With my limited resourcces I do what I can do.
I'm not trying to toot my own horn, so to speak.
Just like you, I have areas in my life that are weak.
If we could be perfect we wouldn't need salvation.
We do need Jesus Christ, I say without hesitation.
In this world there is a fight between evil and good.
You can see it ever day, I choose to live as I should.
There are always opportunities to go astray.
Because where there's a will there is always a way.
In these last days before Jesus returns for His own,
There will be more tribulation and a reason to moan.
However, stay true to the Lord and always do what's right.
Yes, I acknowledge in this world there's a continuous fight.
Just know this isn't the end of the story for me and you.
We will be judged and rewarded for what we did or didn't do.
When you stand in front of God and we all will someday.
Get daily guidance from Jesus, stay true and pray.