Today I want us all realize we have incredible power.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Today I want us all realize we have incredible power.

That we can be a conqueror this very hour.

What power, is what many would ask or say?

As of now we are going to do things God's way.

Jesus was crucified on Calvary's cross for you and me.

He sacrificed his life and died on that cross for all to see.

He was then buried in a borrowed tomb but that's not the end.

He went down to hell for us. yes He would need to descend.

But He defeated death and hell and the grave and rose again.

This, sisters and brothers in Christ is the how and when.

Now all of us have that same power to defeat Satan it's true.

Jesus transferred that mighty power into me and you.

We are now no longer a slave to Satan, sin, sickness, poverty and pain.

Don't listen to all the negative voices or you will in his power remain.

Know that you are a child of the most high God and today you can begin,

To defeat the enemy because of this mighty power and you will always win.

Put on the whole armor of God, be prepared for a fight.

You will be attacked by the enemy starting tonight.

But you will be the victor and not a victim with God on your side.

Actually with this resurrection power in you it will make Satan run and hide.