Let's show appreciation for what we have today.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Let's show appreciation for what we have today.

Many don't appreciate how they've been blessed in many a way.

We turn on the faucet, we open the refrigerator door.

We look in our closet and look at somethings we've never even wore.

We jump into our car and head for the grocery store.

There we buy what we wanted and usually something more.

We take for granted all these things that others would love.

Yes, we are privileged to live in this country, blessed from God above.

Our family, our job, our health, our wealth and our home too.

We sometimes forget to thank God for all these blessings, is that you?

There's a song. " you don't know what you've got till it's gone".

All these God given blessings are a privilege, don't treat them wrong.

We are blessed to be a blessing and all of us have more than enough.

We could give some away to people in need, we wouldn't even miss the stuff.

Be very grateful for all our blessings we take for granted starting today.

Remember to thank God daily, appreciate you are blessed in a special way.