Do you have a vision for your life, is it big or small?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin
Do you have a vision for your life, is it big or small?
Many go through life with really no vision at all.
If we want to accomplish our God inspired dream.
We must remember it is something that must be seen.
Place a picture of your dream where you see it every day.
Keep it in mind when you work, play, and pray.
Make it a real in your mind, see it coming to pass even today.
Just know the vision is on its way, no matter what they say.
There will always be naysayers to discourage with a negative view.
People don't always see your vision coming to pass, it's true.
But the winners in life keep on keeping on, no matter what.
They are the people to thank because of what we've now got.
They didn't give up when things didn't come to pass there and then.
Now they can look back at the past and laugh and remember when.
They went through some tough times where they almost gave up too.
So keep on pressing through and believe this little poem is for you.