Today is a poem about transcending time and space.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Today is a poem about transcending time and space.

It's a subject hard for many to comprehend and to face.

We can't wrap our minds around this subject today

How God created everything by the words he would say.

This means he created the heavens, our earth and space..

everything was created by him because of love and grace.

From microscopic creatures to horses, cows and chickens too,

I must remind us that he also created me and you.

We were uniquely designed to fulfill a divine purpose, it's true.

When you are fulfilling your purpose God is right there with you.

He has a host of angels an standby to help you everyday.

They respond to your words, so be careful what you say.

Your words are so powerful, look how God chose His words.

They can build or destroy it's something that many have not heard

You can chose success or failure by the words you speak.

This also determines your future, Pray as His words you seek.