Are you listening to that still small voice?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin
Are you listening to that still small voice?
The inner prompting telling you about that pending choice.
Is it something that we know instinctively we shouldn't do.
Or something we shouldn't buy right now, is that you?
Don't ever ignore the prompting, they are from God.
When you tell someone what and why they'll call you odd.
God speaks to us quietly and prompts us in many ways.
Don't try to override what the still small voice says.
God only wants the best for our lives, each and every day.
He wants to give you wisdom and insight in some way.
We all know the feeling that we know we should wait.
But the enemy wants us to do it now or it will be too late.
Then we buy or do something else on impulse we later regret.
We didn't heed the prompting or warnings, that's a sure bet.
It's our heavenly father speaking to us in his way here and now.
He knows the future and he'll advice you with the when, why and how