Today is National Be Kind To Others Day.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer
Today is National Be Kind To Others Day.
So let’s be careful what we do and say.
So many times we are impatient and not very nice.
Before you say something nasty, think twice.
Once the words are spoken you can’t call them back.
Words are so important they can create peace or an attack.
Today, yes just today, make this a special day to be kind.
Finding a person that needs kindness is not hard to find.
I must confess I made up this special day. 
No, as of yet I declare, it’s not a national holiday
But as a Christian I want to represent kindness today
So I will seek to do whatever, and even go out of my way.
As a Christian and an ambassador to Jesus and God now.
I will go our of my way to be Christlike and that's how.
The world needs love and genuine caring, we all know.
And doing an act of kindness is what I want to show.