The story of David and Goliath is fascinating to me.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin
The story of David and Goliath is fascinating to me.
It proves that everything that looks huge is not all you see.
Behind the scenes God always has a hero that will defeat
Any giant problem that you are facing or about to meet.
When things look like there is absolutely no way to win.
That's when you can know that God is with you and you can grin.
It's like seeing a rerun on TV that you've seen before.
You know the end result and grin, because you know the final score.
We will probably all have a Goliath of some kind in this life.
They are there to create fear, anger, jealousy-- any type of strife.
If we give in to this Goliath because we don't know what to do.
Know that the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy me and you.
So get out your slingshot and face that giant as a child of God.
To others in the world you look already defeated, but you're odd.
You have a host of angels backing you up so yes, you'll win this fight.
Having this type of faith in God shows your trust and it's God's delight.