Thank you Lord for allowing me to be a Christian today,

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Thank you Lord for allowing me to be a Christian today,
 I want to make my time count during this brief stay.
 I was placed here for this time to accomplish a goal.
 To also be a witness and a testimony to another soul.
 My time is not to be wasted or unwisely used.
 Also this body of mine is not to be abused.
 God gave us all a purpose in this life here on earth.
 To live for Jesus and to serve him for all I'm worth.
 I realize now that I've wasted many precious years.
  I now confess with regrets and buckets of tears.
 In my latter years I experienced the results of my past.
 But now I can rejoice, knowing these won't last.
 When we all get to heaven what a day that will be.
 No more sadness or regrets, just wait and see.
 We can't comprehend the incredible life for us there.
 With no sickness, heartaches, regrets or despair.