Today, as a Christian, God has an assignment for you.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Today, as a Christian, God has an assignment for you.

He wants you to act as His Ambassador in all you say and do.

In this world today there is so much confusion, hatred and strife.

So many are disillusioned and are seeking the wrong kind of life.

If you watch the news we realize that Satan is pushing hard.

His agenda is to eliminate morality and for Christians to discard.

All that we know to be true, decent and pleasing to God.

When we stand up for our rights we are classified as the enemy and odd.

No! We don't go along with all this new and sinful lifestyle.

If you've heard anything positive on the news, it's been a while.

No, these are the last days before the return of our savior.

My advice is you will be tempted, so watch your behavior.

Things that we thought could never happen here in the USA.

Are now accepted and even promoted each and everyday.

Don't fall into the trap of compromise as many will, this we know.

Remember this is not our final home, heaven is where we go.