Did you make a New Year’s resolution this year?

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer
Did you make a New Year’s resolution this year?
Did it radiate happiness and prosperity, or was it in fear?
So many are just hoping to maybe lose some weight.
Others have bigger dreams and hopes and can't wait!
What was your goal, was it something you wanted to do?
As we all know many goals fail, we know this is true.
But, if we could only realize we have royal, Godly DNA.
That God and His angels can help you along the way.
If you knew you couldn't fail, what a difference that would make.
And, giving up that goal or dream would be a serious mistake.
As Christians, we have the DNA of Almighty God in our genes.
Let me ask you this... Do you know and realize what this means?
You are part of the heritage of David who slew Goliath then.
And, of Moses, who parted the sea plus other saints of old when,
They were anointed to do what was impossible to logically do.
Well, the good news is — you have the same DNA living in you!