Remember each day is God's gift to you.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Remember each day is God's gift to you.

Learn to cherish each day in all you do.

Make it special by serving God and others.

In Christ we are all sisters and brothers.

Giving the gift of significance is important to.

You will reap the joy of giving it, it's true.

Being good to others could be the rule of the day.

It is so important with what and how we act and say.

God placed us all here for His divine purpose now.

If you want to live a happy prosperous life, here's how.

Do as the Lord commands and use your talent and skill

God designed you to specifically fill a needed, unique bill.

Yes, we all have a purpose in life, mine is different from yours.

We all have a destiny to fulfill you may even call it a cause.

At the end of life when we look back at how we lived this life.

Did we help others and please God, or did we create turmoil and strife?