It's Sunday once more, what's your plan for the day?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

It's Sunday once more, what's your plan for the day?

We all have many decisions will we be in church or play?

There are many temptations that are appealing to you.

When making today's decision just what will you do?

The world has a lot to offer that's for sure.

Will you go to church today or stay away once more?

God is watching to see what we intend to do and why.

I'm sure our decision could make Him happy or even cry.

Father knows best was an old TV program that was really good.

It showed and demonstrated the fathers wisdom that we understood.

God is our Heavenly Father and He, for sure always knows best,

So many don't listen and do their own thing and fail the Fathers test.

If we could only obey and do as we know we should

Then what we would do today would be classified as good.

Grade yourself and be honest with your decision right now.

What is your score, what will you do today, when and how?