The Lord brought me back from a heart attack for a reason,

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

The Lord brought me back from a heart attack for a reason,

And I feel that starting today, this is my season.

The Lord has been imparting to me a word of knowledge.

Now as a new student and I feel like I'm in God's college.

I really don't know where this is going to take me in life.

God wants me to teach and preach on relieving strife.

In these days there is so much unrest, fear and doubt.

A satanic trick to make people loose their faith, is what it's all about.

Of course I don't feel qualified to start this ministry now.

I also get those negative inputs telling me I'm not qualified and I don't know how.

But this is when I must rely on the Lord for His wisdom and power.

And this is the season and I commit to it starting this very hour.

How can I do this new and incredible thing, I really don't know.

I will need to rely on Jesus to make a way, and to tell and show.

There are so many Christians falling away in this world today

God wants the Christian community strong and He'll show us the way.